Protective Antioxidant Action - The blue layer is a fatty, oily substance which serves as a barrier to protect the active ingredients from oxidising.
Moisturising & Filming Action - When applied to the skin it creates a filming action and protects the hydrolipidic film. This is the protective barrier that covers the skin. This will ensure that the skin maintains its suppleness and moisture. It also ensures that the client experiences minimal discomfort from the peel.
Carrier Action - In addition, the lipohilic phase encourages penetration of the active ingredients into the skin.
The yellow layer is full of extremely powerful ingredients which perform a number of important functions. TCA (trichloroacetic acids), AHA (alpha hydroxy acids), BHA (beta hydroxy acids) & PHA (polyhydroxy acids) With this innovative mix of ingredients, the hydrophilic phase is able to perform a deep biostimulating and revitalising effect in the skin at the extracellular matrix level.
This stimulates the fibroblasts in the correct way in order for them to synthesise collagen and elastin. In the body's ECM (extracellular matrix), there are lots of fibroblasts.
In order to maintain a good homeostastis in the ECM, these fibroblasts need feeding.
Amino acids & Vitamins The peel provides nourishment in the form of Amino Acids and vitamins. Using the TCA to create a chemical injury to the skin it helps to drive these ingredients deep into the dermis to feed the fibroblasts. Feeding fibroblasts is vitally important. We need to feed them the correct nourishment in order to stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and HA (hyaluronic acid) . If they are not fed properly they will be unable to do their job properly.
In the past, most research has focused on stimulating the ECM and not feeding the fibroblasts. [BioRePeel has changed this approach and has identified the necessity of feeding the fibroblasts to achieve increased production of healthy collagen, elastin and HA].
GABA The GABA (Gamma-aminobutyricacid) effect is cutaneous tissue distension thanks to nerve relaxation and consequent relaxation of the muscles responsible for wrinkling. The result is an effective anti-wrinkle action.